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Preschool Opening Times

We are  open Monday to Friday, term time only and offer morning and afternoon sessions. 

Morning session: 9am - 12noon*

Afternoon session: 12noon - 3pm

*Children can stay for lunch until 12.30pm, subject to an additional charge.

We also offer wraparound care between the hours of  8am - 6pm, subject to availability.

Fees & Funding



Below is our current fee schedule.

A £50 (per child) induction admin fee is payable upon registration.

We accept children who are eligible for government funded hours and recent changes to childcare support mean you might now be eligible for more help than ever before.  We recommend visiting the Childcare Choices website to check your eligibility for funding.


Click here to visit the Childcare Choices website 

Examples of government funding per age group:


2 year olds:

  • Families receiving some support may receive 15 hours funding. 

3 year olds:

  • All 3 year olds are entitled to 15 hours universal weekly funding during term time, starting from the term after their third birthday. 

  • Working families may be entitled to 30 hours weekly funding during term time.


Session (9am-12 or 12-3pm)
Lunch Club 12-12:30pm
Consumables/Sundries (incl. snack) HALF DAY
Consumables/Sundries (incl. snack) FULL DAY
Induction Admin Fee

Fees are invoiced on a termly basis and must be paid in advance.


Non-payment of fees will result in the withdrawal of your child’s place at 


Any ad hoc sessions will be invoiced separately and need to be paid for

within 5 days. 

Wraparound Care - Breakfast & Afterschool Club

We offer wraparound care to children attending St Andrew’s Primary School and are open Monday to Friday during term time.

Breakfast Club: 7:30am - 9:00am

Afterschool Club: 3:00pm - 6:00pm Mon - Thurs

(Friday's until 4.30pm)


​​​*There is currently a waiting list for both breakfast and afterschool club. If you would like to add your child please contact us.

7:30am Breakfast Club
8am Breakfast Club
4:30pm Afterschool Club
6pm Afterschool Club
Activities Fee (annual)
Other charges
Late collection fee

Preschool Document Downloads, click on the links below:

Parent Pack

Registration Form

Permissions Form

Parent Declaration (for funding claims)

© 2021 Congresbury Community Preschool

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